Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First Day of School

I can feel sleep creeping up on me, but I'm writing anyway because I haven't been writing enough lately. I've been doing yoga, exploring the city and taking the time to just be with my friends, but I haven't been writing. Reading a little, but no writing.

I don't have the energy to tackle any more of South America right now, but that doesn't mean I have to avoid this space. That's something I struggle with remembering.

You may or may not remember that I am the archivist for a small private school in Houston. Then again, I may not have actually mentioned it before (and who reads this anyway?). This school year feels promising. I'm taking on yoga and meditation and, hopefully, reinvesting myself in climbing. I hope to keep up with my crafts; I want to make a hammock to hang in my room (they're expensive to buy!) and I think I might knit some of my Christmas presents. My main goal for this year, though, is to live mindfully and, fingers crossed, frugally. The mindful part is for my own personal growth, the frugal part is so that I can feed as much money as possible back into my loans so that I can take a financial fall in the future if I have to.

I want to hear from other people who are just delving into yoga and meditation. I'm not so interested in the folks who just do yoga for exercise, even though I'm sure they get plenty out of it. I want to talk to people who feel like yoga/meditation has impacted their lives. I still think it's early to say for sure, but I'm noticing slight shifts in my consciousness and they way I face the world. I'm not sure if this is a result of my yoga/meditation practice, or if it has more to do with the impulse that drove me to meditation and yoga in the first place. It would be nice to hear what other people are experiencing.

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